ABCDE melanoma detection guide
melanoma, scc, bcc
it's personal
Grace here, founder of Plow.
We've been in cahoots with Scotty from Skin Check Champs for some time now. I'm proud to say they helped me identify a skin cancer of my own! My Aunty died from Melanoma, this has been a driving force of mine to stay on top of my own skin, and help others - cue Plow and our Partnership with Skin Check Champs!
Last December we met with him at Bondi during their pop up Skin Clinic.
I got my skin checked, I'd recently discovered a strange rash looking spot on my neck. I was advised to keep an eye on it over the next month.
Sure enough, by New Years it had solidified itself into a raised pink mole. As advised, I booked another skin check - and got it cut out.
A Basal Cell Carcinoma was the result.
It wasn't Melanoma, but I am certainly still glad to have it gone!
Get your yearly skin checks &
Check your skin monthly inbetween!
Stay Safe,
when to check, why to check, and how to check
skin cancer obsessed
what is my skin cancer risk?
If you're a surfer, Aussie research shows that you're at 120x higher risk of Melanoma than the average Australian!!!
Do you have a family history?
What skin type do you have?
How often and how long do you spend in the sun?
How many times have you been badly sun burnt? Especially as a child?
Skin cancer can affect anyone, it's your job to reduce your risk by reducing your UV exposure.
how often should i check and how?
UV damage is cumulative, if you haven't gotten your skin checked within in the last 12 months... go ahead and book an appointment NOW
Yearly professional skin checks are the recommended standard.
Monthly at home self skin checks too.
Use the ABCDE + S.C.A.N guides to check all the moles, spots and marks that you can see.
Then get a buddy to help you with the bits you can't!
Why not make a habit of it when you sunscreen your mates backs!
what do i do if i find a spot i don't like?
Follow this guide to checking your skin!
Use both the S.C.A.N + ABCDE acronyms to know what you're looking out for.
SCC's and BCC's are easier to spot than Melanoma, that's a big reason why it is so dangerous!
They are not always dark, and can often look like your other freckles and moles.
Look for irregularities, unevenness, is the spot scabbing and never healing?
Don't get complacent, if you notice something new GET IT CHECKED!
Take photo's, monitor, and always get a 2nd opinion if you're not confident!
book a skin check NOW
what is the difference between bcc, scc & melanoma
Melanoma is the most well known skin cancer, it's also the most dangerous.
It's fast growing, hard to identify and spreads quickly.
It takes the life of an Australian person every 6 hours...
BCC and SCC are often referred to as Non-Melanoma's.
We dislike this at Plow because it seems to give the illusion that they are not "real" cancers.
SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) is slower to spread than Melanoma, but it certainly still can. It often results in large skin grafts due to it's depth in the skin.
BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) apparently never spreads from the skin BUT it will never heal either. A lot of people get them cut out, shaved or burnt off.
95-99% of ALL skin cancers are caused by UV damage
UV damage is cumulative!
This is why it's important not to devalue the 'non-melanoma' skin cancers, if you're already affected by them your chance of more or an actual melanoma is HIGH
what's holding you back? tell us!

hey champion!
need a reminder?
All online orders from Plow come with a Melanoma Detection Guide INSTEAD of a wasteful 'Thank You Card'
Stick our card on your fridge to remind you to do a self check monthly & professional dermoscopy yearly.
it could save your life

how to s.c.a.n your skin
monitor monthly for spots that:
1. Are scaly, itchy, bleeding, tender and don’t heal within 6 weeks.
2. You notice changing in size, shape or texture.
3. Have a different look or feel, or stand out compared to others.
4. Appeared on your skin recently.
s.c.a.n your skin monthly!